Linggo, Disyembre 22, 2013

Astronomy Prelims 2nd Sem SY 2013-2014

Using grammatically correct and legible sentences, answer the following statements sensibly and objectively (20 pts each = 5 pts sentence construction, 5 pts creativity/insight, 5 pts objective assessment/recall of the topic concepts, 5 pts logical discussion).

Posting of answers at the comment box is 5:20 p.m.
  1. Differentiate degrees from arc degrees.  Detail how can you use your hand to make rough measurements of objects and distances in the celestial sphere?
  2. Narrate a myth concerning a heavenly body.  Provide modern explanations that explain the myth.  (5-6 sentences)
  3. Explain the backgrounds on how the Ptolemaic and the Copernican system was formulated.  (2-3 sentences each).  

11 komento:

  1. Robin M. Morales Mr.Ronald Castillo Y Maglaqui
    BEED - 1 December 23, 2013

    1.Differentiate degrees from arc degrees. Detail how can you use your hand to make rough measurements of objects and distances in the celestial sphere?
    -A scale for measuring the actual brightness of a celestial object without accounting for the distance of the object

    2.Narrate a myth concerning a heavenly body. Provide modern explanations that explain the myth.
    -a symbolic narrative of how the world began and how people first came to inhabit it

    3.Explain the backgrounds on how the Ptolemaic and the Copernican system was formulated.
    -Copernican heliocentrism is the name given to the astronomical model developed by Nicolaus Copernicus and published in 1543

  2. Poso Patricia ann

    1.Degrees are used to express directionality and angle size. If you stand facing directly north, you are facing the direction of zero degrees, written as 0°. If you turn yourself fully around, so you end up facing north again, you have "turned through" 360°; that is, one revolution (one circle) is 360°.
    This is somewhat similar to the difference between decimals and percentages.
    The width of your thumb, seen at arm's length, is about 2°.
    The angular diameter of the Sun or the Moon is only about 1/4 of that, or just over 1/2 degree, which is 30 minutes of arc. (Yes, they look bigger than that near the horizon; the increased apparent angular size is an optical illusion.)
    A person with normal vision can just distinguish two points separated by about 1' of arc. (That means you can forget about seconds of arc unless you're using a telescope.)
    The angular height of mirages is always less than a degree. But, because of the horizon illusion mentioned above, people often suppose they are bigger than that.

    2. major planet any of the nine large celestial bodies in the solar system that revolve around the sun and shine by reflected light; Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto in order of their proximity to the sun; viewed from the constellation Hercules, all the planets rotate around the sun in a counterclockwise direction.

    3. ptolemaic relating to the second century geographer and astronomer Ptolemy of Alexandria and especially to his belief that the earth is at the center of the universe with the sun, moon, and planets revolving around it while copernicus relating to the theory of Copernicus that Earth rotates daily on its axis and, with the other planets in the solar system, revolves around the sun.

  3. Winter Jay Biscarra

    1. Degrees are used to express directionality and angle size. If you stand facing directly north, you are facing the direction of zero degrees, written as 0°. If you turn yourself fully around, so you end up facing north again, you have "turned through" 360°; that is, one revolution (one circle) is 360°.
    This is somewhat similar to the difference between decimals and percentages.
    The width of your thumb, seen at arm's length, is about 2°.
    The angular diameter of the Sun or the Moon is only about 1/4 of that, or just over 1/2 degree, which is 30 minutes of arc. (Yes, they look bigger than that near the horizon; the increased apparent angular size is an optical illusion.)
    A person with normal vision can just distinguish two points separated by about 1' of arc. (That means you can forget about seconds of arc unless you're using a telescope.)

    2. In modern society, myth is often regarded as historical or obsolete. Many scholars in the field of cultural studies are now beginning to research the idea that myth has worked itself into modern discourses. Modern formats of communication allow for wide spread communication across the globe, thus enabling mythological discourse and exchange among greater audiences than ever before. Various elements of myth can now be found in television, cinema and video games.

    3. Ptolemaic - Ptolemy's astronomical work was enshrined in his great book He mathematike syntaxis ("The Mathematical Collection"), which eventually became known as Ho megas astronomos ("The Great Astronomer"). During the 9th century, however, Arab astronomers used the Greek superlative Megiste to refer to the book. When the definite article al was prefixed to the term, its title then became known as the Almagest, the name still used today.

  4. Ma. Angelica Lagrimas BEED I

    1.used to measure a sky object's angular diameter or the separation between two sky objects. They are small and tiny measures. This is described in detail at Scales and Angular Measurement. Here's a concise description:

    360° (degrees) = circumference of a great sky circle*
    1° = 60' (arcminutes) or 1' is 1/60th of a degree
    1' = 60" (arcseconds) or 1" is 1/60th of an arc minute (1/3600 of a degree).

    2. major planet any of the nine large celestial bodies in the solar system that revolve around the sun and shine by reflected light.


  5. 1.Differentiate degrees from arc degrees. Details how can you use your hand to make rough measurements of objects and distance in the celestial sphere?
    -We can differentiate degrees from arc degrees , we can use our hand to make rough measurements of objects and distances in the celestial spear there are many angles to measure our celestial spear to measure it we use our hand to see the diffirent angles of the celestial
    2.narrate a myth concerning a heavenly body. Provide modern explanations that explain the myth.
    -many stories we hear about how did the heavenly bodies exist,how did the heavenly bodies got their names?heavenly bodies like the planet got their names from myths, myths or mythology is a collection of stories associated with the culture,institution or person to explain natural phenomuena
    3.explain the backrounds on how the Ptolemaic and the copernican system was formulated?
    -ptolemaic system believe that all heavenly bodies orbited the earth while the Copernican system believe that all celestial bodies orbited the sun.

  6. SermiƱo, Roscha Camille O.

    Differentiate degrees from arc degrees. Detail how can you use your hand to make rough measurements of objects and distances in the celestial sphere?
    • Arc Degree a unit of angular measure in which there are 360 arc degrees in a full circle.
    The size of a celestial object expressed in terms of the angle that it covers (or "subtends") when viewed from Earth
    Degree (angle), a unit of angle measurement
    • Hand measurements.
    From the tip of the thumb to the tip of the little finger or pinky (by stretching it) is 20 degrees.
    From the tip of the Index finger to the tip of the little finger is 15 degrees
    the gap between the base of your index finger and the base of your pinky is about 10 degrees.
    Hold your three middle fingers together is 5 degrees.

    Narrate a myth concerning a heavenly body. Provide modern explanations that explain the myth. (5-6 sentences)
    Cygnus – The Swan
    There were 2 close friends Cygnus and Phaeton, who were competing and challenged to have a race across the sky, around the Sun, and back to Earth. They both fell to the Earth and were knocked unconscious. When Cygnus woke up he started looking for his friend and discovered Phaeton’s body trapped by the roots of a tree at the bottom of the Eridanus River. To retrieve his friend’s body and give it a proper burial, Cygnus repeatedly dove into the river, but could not reach his friend’s body. Cygnus begged for Zeus to help him but they had an agreement. Cygnus readily agreed to this in order to retrieve his friend’s body and give him a proper burial, allowing his friend’s spirit to travel into the afterlife.

    Explain the backgrounds on how the Ptolemaic and the Copernican system was formulated. (2-3 sentences each).
    Heliocentrism or Copernican system believed that Having the Sun in this central position explained the apparent motion of planets relative to the fixed stars and was truer than the Earth-centred Ptolemaic system .Ptolemaic system is a geocentric cosmology that is starts by assuming that the Earth is stationary and at the centre of the universe.

  7. FRIAS, Janna Marie B.

    1. Differentiate degrees from arc degrees. Detail how can you use your hand to make rough measurements of objects and distances in the celestial sphere?

    The difference is just that a degree is a measurement each sign is a divided into 30degrees, from 0 to 29 depending upon when you were born each planet is in a particular degree at that moment. Some of the planets change degrees quickly, other move much more slowly while arc degrees it is a unit of angular measure in which there are 360 arc degrees in a full circle.

    By using outstretched hand measuring device to make rough estimates of angular sizes and distances. With your arms stretched out straight in front of you, the width of your fist measures about 10° if you move your arms upward hand over hand from the horizon to a point straight above you, it should take you about 9hands to cover that 90° when you hold your pinky out at arms’ length it measures about 1°.

    2. Narrate a myth concerning a heavenly body. Provide modern explanations that explain the myth. (5-6 sentences)

    Gaea or our Mother Earth , was the great goddess of the early Greeks she represented the Earth and worshipped as the universal mother. In Greek mythology, she created the Universe and gave birth to both the first race of Gods or the Titans and the first humans. In the creation story of the ancient Greeks, Chaos came before everything else, Chaos was made of Void, Mass, and Darkness in confusion then Earth, in the form of Gaea, came into existence. From Mother Earth sprang the starry heavens, in the form of the sky god Uranus. From Gaea also came the mountains, plains, seas and rivers that make up the Earth as we know it today. Gaea, or Mother Earth, was the oldest of the gods of the early Greeks. She was known as the supreme goddess by humans and gods alike. She presided over marriages and oaths and was honored as a prophetess.

    3. Explain the backgrounds on how the Ptolemaic and the Copernican system was formulated. (2-3 sentences each).

    Ptolemy thought that all celestial objects including Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and stars orbited Earth, it was Earth-Centered or Geocentric. Earth, in the center of the universe, did not move at all. The outer planets, like Uranus and Neptune, are not yet belong in the Ptolemaic model because they had not been discovered at the time.

    Copernicus thought that the planets orbited the Sun, and that the Moon orbited Earth. The Sun, in the center of the universe, did not move, nor did the stars. Copernicus was correct about some things, but wrong about others. The Sun is not in the center of the universe only the center of our solar system, and it does move, as do the stars. Also, both Copernicus and Ptolemy thought the orbits of the planets were circular, but we now know they are elliptical.

  8. Nuval, Eloisa C. BEED-I

    Using grammatically correct and legible sentences, answer the following statements sensibly and objectively (20 pts each = 5 pts sentence construction, 5 pts creativity/insight, 5 pts objective assessment/recall of the topic concepts, 5 pts logical discussion).

    Posting of answers at the comment box is 5:20 p.m.
    1. Differentiate degrees from arc degrees. Detail how can you use your hand to make rough measurements of objects and distances in the celestial sphere?
    2. Narrate a myth concerning a heavenly body. Provide modern explanations that explain the myth. (5-6 sentences)
    3. Explain the backgrounds on how the Ptolemaic and the Copernican system was formulated. (2-3 sentences each).

    1. Degrees are the measurement we use in measuring angles, also in temperature, while arc degrees are in measuring circles. In geometry, both degrees and arc degrees is important. In using hand to make measurement of objects and distances in the celestial sphere is very useful. Like for example if you want to answer the distance between planet earth and mars you can use your hand, because hand has also measurement, it has 20, 15, 10 and 5.
    2. Pegasus was a winged horse and good flyer. His story begins when Perseus, said to be the son of Zeus, is sent to kill Medusa by a man who wanted to marry his mother but did not want the burden of the son. Medusa was one of the three Gorgons who live on a little island. You can see the constellation Pegasus by recognizing the great square.
    3. Claudius Ptolemy, the complex social and historical implications of an Earth-centered versus a Sun-centered model of the solar system. But nearly all the early models, including Ptolemy’s version of the solar system, assumed that the Earth was the center of not only the solar system, but the entire universe. But Copernicus did not believe on Ptolemaic so he formulated his theory of the solar system.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. talabucon,rhonith
    1.Degrees are used to express directionality and angle size. If you stand facing directly north, you are facing the direction of zero degrees, written as 0°. If you turn yourself fully around, so you end up facing north again, you have "turned through" 360°; that is, one revolution (one circle) is 360°.
    This is somewhat similar to the difference between decimals and percentages.
    The width of your thumb, seen at arm's length, is about 2°.
    The angular diameter of the Sun or the Moon is only about 1/4 of that, or just over 1/2 degree, which is 30 minutes of arc.
    2.Myth is a usually traditional story of ostensibly historical events that serves to unfold part of the world view of a people or explain a practice, belief, or natural phenomenon.
    3.Ptolemaic system, a geocentric model of the universe developed in detail by the astronomer Claudius Ptolemaeus.Copernican system, first modern European theory of planetary motion that was heliocentric, i.e., that placed the sun motionless at the center of the solar system with all the planets, including the earth, revolving around it. Copernicus developed his theory in the early 16th cent. from a study of ancient astronomical records. He retained the ancient belief that the planets move in perfect circles and therefore, like Ptolemy, he was forced to utilize epicycles to explain deviations from uniform motion (see Ptolemaic system). Thus, the Copernican system was technically only a slight improvement over the Ptolemaic system. However, making the solar system heliocentric removed the largest epicycle and explained retrograde motion in a natural way. By liberating astronomy from a geocentric viewpoint, Copernicus paved the way for Kepler's laws of planetary motion and Newton's embracing theory of universal gravitation, which describes the force that holds the planets in their orbits.

  11. Kim Shaira Carpio
    1.Degree is a measurement of plane angle, representing 1/360 of a full rotation.
    While Arc Degree is a close segment of a differentiablecurve in the two dimensional plane.

    3. In the Ptolemaic system, each planet is moved by a system of two or more spheres: one called its deferent, the others, its epicycles. The deferent is a circle whose center point exists halfway between the equant and the earth, marked by the X in the picture to the right where the equant is the solid point opposite the earth.
    The first speculations about the possibility of the Sun being the center of the cosmos and the Earth being one of the planets going around it go back to the third century BCE. In his Sand-Reckoner, Archimedes (d. 212 BCE), discusses how to express very large numbers
