Linggo, Disyembre 22, 2013

Phys HS Prelims 2nd Sem SY 2013-2014

Using grammatically correct and legible sentences, answer the following statements sensibly and objectively (20 pts each = 5 pts sentence construction, 5 pts creativity/insight, 5 pts objective assessment/recall of the topic concepts, 5 pts logical discussion).

Posting of answers at the comment box is 12:30 (noon).

  1. As a future teacher, which factors to longevity should you give importance.  Provide a 2-3 sentence explanation.
  2. Explain the difference between systolic and diastolic pressure.  What are the implications of high and low measurements in vital signs?
  3. Narrate the sequence of events that lead to a severe concussion when one’s head is struck with enough force.  

14 (na) komento:

  1. Jimenez, Russel John S.

    1. As a future teacher, which factors to longevity should you give importance. Provide a 2-3 sentence explanation.
    a. I would give importance to exercise and proper diet
    b. Studies show that lack of exercise and unbalanced diet are a fatal mix when one grows old. These factors of longevity are habits people acquire when they are still young and unable to change it when they grow old. These factors of longevity are needed by grade school students so that when they are still young, they would understand how important exercise and proper diet is.

    2. Explain the difference between systolic and diastolic pressure. What are the implications of high and low measurements in vital signs?
    a. Systolic and diastolic pressure are both concerned with the pressure of blood in the veins. The difference between the two is that systolic pressure measures when the heart is pumping blood, while diastolic measures when the heart is at rest. That explains why when our blood pressure is taken, the doctor listens to the first sound (systolic) and the last sound (diastolic) to get our correct blood pressure.
    b. High and low measurements in vital signs implies that our body is in out of balance. Therefore we experience sickness when vital signs are out of order. For example, a high temperature can mean we have a fever, a low pulse rate can mean we have a weakening heart.

    3. Narrate the sequence of events that lead to a severe concussion when one’s head is struck with enough force.
    a. I would narrate the event that can lead to severe concussion through a boxer’s way.
    b. A boxer can bring severe concussion to his opponent’s head using a one strong punch. A punch is a much more elaborate move when looked closely. A fatal punch resulting to a severe concussion in the head happens as follows:
    c. A boxer moves, glides inside the ring
    d. He looks for the right moment to deliver his fatal punch
    e. When he sees an opening, he shifts his dancing to stationary stance. In a blink of an eye, he punches his opponent and the opponent lost his consciousness and falls to the ground. Let’s look closer of what happened between the millisecond shift to a stationary stance to the fatal punch.
    f. A powerful punch lies in the boxer’s ability to channel the energy from the ground to his feet then to his hips.
    g. When the energy is already in the hips, he twists it backward, sending the energy from his hip to his arm then twists it forward with the knuckle aimed at the opponents head.
    h. The energy from the ground coursed through the boxers foot, the hip, then to the boxer’s knuckles.
    i. The fatal punch hits the opponent perfectly. Now what happens for the fatal punch to bring severe concussion in the opponent happens as follows:
    j. The opponent received the punch on his head
    k. The power in that punch is enough for his brain to bounce backward, compressing the muscles, displacing oxygen in the brain, and lunge forward, bringing trauma to the frontal lobe, all in a matter of seconds.
    l. Lack of oxygen in the brain and the trauma caused by the bounce of the brain leads to severe concussion in one’s head.

  2. Rosalina Viterbo

    1. As a future teacher, which factors to longevity should you give importance. Provide a 2-3 sentence explanation.

    >As a future teacher, commitment must be given importance the teacher must be committed to work for they influence students. Teaching is the noblest profession; we do not know where our influence ends. As teachers, being committed work is to affect humankind.

    2. Explain the difference between systolic and diastolic pressure. What are the implications of high and low measurements in vital signs?

    >Systolic pressure the first top number in a blood pressure reading, this is the amount of pressure your heart generates when pumping blood through your arteries to the rest of your body while the second bottom number in a blood pressure reading, this refers to the amount of pressure in your arteries when your heart is at rest between beats. As people become older, the diastolic pressure will begin to decrease and the systolic blood pressure begins to rise and becomes more important.

    3. Narrate the sequence of events that lead to a severe concussion when one’s head
    is struck with enough force.

    >. In Thai boxing almost anything goes, and for a 12-year-old boy, it's the hope for a better future. We need the boxing physical strength and self discipline because in boxing is one of the dangerous sports. You’ll need to learn the different styles of head movement and how to train the skill.So many of these other fighting arts are fantastic and creative at attacking but none offer anything as beautiful as the art of head movement. This way, your hands are free to attack. The art of head movement is so misunderstood that to the untrained eye, people think boxing is brutal and raw and mindless because the fighters on TV don’t seem to be defending themselves.

  3. Flores, Janns Marinel M.
    1. Proper Diet and Exercise - I will give importance to these because it is the easiest way to preserve our health and life, and are the mainstays for a healthy lifestyle. As a teacher, i will give emphasis to this so that my students, at their early age should know the value of their health and practice proper diet and exercise throughout their life.

    2. The difference between Systolic and Diastolic.
    Diastolic pressure is the minimum pressure in the arteries, which occurs near the beginning of the cardiac cycle when the ventricles are filled with blood. Diastolic pressure is where the heart is in a period of relaxation. While Systolic pressure is peak pressure in the arteries, which occurs near the end of the cardiac cycle when the ventricles are contracting.
    Implications of Low/High Vital signs- If we are experiencing Low/High vital signs, it means that there is something wrong with our body or there is an imbalance. We can get different diseases from these. Example, for Low vital sign, we can get hypotension and for High vital signs, we can get high blood pressure. We should observe our health to prevent these from happening.

    3. Sequence of events that lead to a severe concussion when one’s head is struck with enough force.
    A. The situation that i'm going to narrate is when a person got caught in a car accident. he is driving very fast and suddenly crash into a huge post. The tendency is to hit his head in front of him with a lot of force. When his head hit to an object with a lot of force, his brain will move forward and backward causing both ends of his brain to bloat. Our brain will move easily because it floats in a liquid. and eventually lose some oxygen and it will also cause blood to clot. He will eventually lose consciousness.

  4. Castillo, Zinneth Diane
    1. Enough sleep but do not over sleep - Sleep is one of the most important
    factors in determining how you feel everyday. Sleep is an important part of health
    and healthy aging. Getting good sleep may even increase your longevity.

    2. Systolic blood pressure represents the pressure exerted by the blood
    on the arteries when the muscle of the heart contracts and pumps blood through
    the blood vessels to the rest of the body. This is the maximum pressure exerted
    by the blood on the arteries.Diastolic blood pressure refers to the pressure
    exerted by the blood when the heart is at rest in between the contractions.
    120/80 mm Hg or a little lower, is considered as an ideal blood pressure for a
    healthy adult, where 120 mm Hg stands for the systolic pressure and 80 mm Hg,
    the diastolic pressure.
    Blood pressure is a measure of the force exerted by circulating blood on the
    walls of the arteries as it flows through them. Pure blood carrying oxygen and
    other vital nutrients is pumped by the heart into the arteries and is circulated
    all over the body. The pumping action of the heart and the flexibility of the arteries
    forces the blood to exert certain pressure on the walls of the blood vessels.
    This blood pressure is regulated mainly by the response given by the arteries to the
    flow of blood. Blood pressure is one of the vital signs of life. It is normally
    expressed as two numbers, the first or the upper number indicating the systolic
    blood pressure and the lower number indicating the diastolic blood pressure.
    3. The narration that i will make is when a man had a car accident.
    He will bump his head to huge object or hard object and will cause his
    brain to have traumatic brain injury.
    In these injuries, a foreign object (e.g., a bullet) enters the brain and
    causes damage to specific brain parts. This focal, or localized, damage occurs
    along the route the object has traveled in the brain. Symptoms vary depending on
    the part of the brain that is damaged.

  5. 1. As a future teacher all the factors to longevity are all of great significance for the reason that the factor will not be completed and be able to complement each other if we do not give equal importance to each.But first of all, we need to give importance on our diet or proper eating habits for we need our daily food sustenance for us to have a long life.For when we don't eat then the other factors will not be needed because you cannot survive life if you don't eat foods.

    2. Systolic it measures the amount of pressure that blood exerts on arteries and vessels while the heart is beating while diastolic it is the pressure that is exerted on the walls of the various arteries around the body in between heart beats when the heart is relaxed.On blood pressure reading the higher number is systolic pressure while the lower number is diastolic pressure.
    As you age, your vital signs may or may not change. This depends on how healthy you are. Some medical problems can cause changes in one or more vital signs.Body temperature during an infection, the body of an older person may not be able to produce a higher temperature. For this reason, it is important to check other vital signs as well as any symptoms and signs of infection.Heart rate and breathing rate breathing rate usually does not change with age. But lung function decreases slightly. Healthy older persons can usually breathe without effort.
    Older people may become dizzy when standing up too quickly. This is due to a sudden drop in blood pressure. This kind of drop in blood pressure upon standing is called orthostatic hypotension.

    3. There will be severe concussion if when one's head is struck with enough force.The enough force comes from the boxer's proper stance and the punch that can cause severe concussion comes from the hips and not from the shoulders.

  6. 1. I believe that all of the factors to longevity are essential to a future teacher like me in order to provide quality teaching and supply quality learning to my students for they are of equal help. But I think that love, positive emotions, proper diet and exercise are those which will contribute the most in enhancing my teaching skills and love of teaching for they will serve as the foundations of a long healthy life, therefore long and productive years of quality teaching. This is why I need to balance and give importance not only to my mental health but also to my physical and emotional health.

    2. Diastolic pressure (bottom number) is the minimum pressure in the arteries, which occurs near the beginning of the cardiac cycle when the ventricles are filled with blood or when the heart rests between beats while Systolic pressure (top number) refers to the peak pressure in the arteries, which occurs near the end of the cardiac cycle when the ventricles are contracting and pushes blood through the arteries to the rest of the body.
    The implications of having either low or high measurement in any of the vital signs are those that denote unhealthy or imbalanced lifestyle of an indivual. These low/high measurements may also result from different factors such as diseases, environmental sorroundings, etc.

    3. As I can recall from the insighful National Geographic Movie that we have watched before, namely Fight Science : Martial Arts, I will narrate the process of delivering a blow that can cause severe concussion and the effects of this strike using Boxing.

    When a boxer delivers a deadly strike to an opponent, the force comes from within the ground, travelling through his and body and to his hips.When enough force is gathered at the hips, it then, channels to the boxer's fist (through the process of kinetic linking or the perfect flow of energy through the body) with exactly 993 lbc. of force, allowing him to deliver a perfect decapitating ow to his opponents body. However, if this process is done to an opponent's head, then the strike would be deadly. A "knock-out blow" or what the scientists call "Severe concussion", which is also considered as a "sledgehammer to the face" would be the result.

    Martinito, Janet Marie S. Beed-II

  7. 1. the factors that i give importance, is love and positive emotions.
    because I, as a future educator it is important to love our profession and also our students. If there's a love, there is a mutual respect and appreciation.
    The students will be able to listen and learn. A positive emotions can leads you to the positives thoughts, ideas and outcomes. It is important to maintain this element in ourselves because a teacher has a biggest impact to the learnings to the students.

    2. The systolic is the pressure in our arteries when our heart is at full constraction.
    the diastolic is a pressure when our heart is at full of relaxation.

    *The normal range for body temperature is 97.8 - 99.1 degrees Fahrenheit
    In body temperature may be abnormal due to fever(high temperature) or hypothermia(low temperature)
    *Pulse rate
    -Bradycardia is low heart rate. your heart beats slower that normal, sometimes is a sign of problem in our heart.
    -Tachycardia is too fast heart rate than the normal. it can cause insufficient levels of blood to reach cells that need the oxygen found in blood.
    *respiration rate
    -Tachypnea iss indicated by a ventilatory rate greater than20 breaths per minute. it can be causing hypoxia and direct cellular injury.
    - Bradypnea refers to the abnormally slow breathing
    *blood pressure
    - Systolic(higher number) is a pressure when the heart is at the full of contraction.
    - Diastolic(lower number) is a pressure when the heart is at full of relaxation.
    the high blood pressure can cause heart attack or stroke.

    3. Concussion refers to a temporary disruption in the brain’s function, “a short circuiting.” This occurs on a cellular level affecting the brain’s circulation and biochemistry. The fighter, whose bout is stopped from a TKO or KO, will often have a concussion.. the severe concussion can result an amnesia and brain fracture.

  8. SermiƱo, Roscha Camille O.

    As a future teacher, which factors to longevity should you give importance. Provide a 2-3 sentence explanation.
    1.) I would give importance to love and positive emotions. As a future teacher if we always think of the positive side or emotion we can teach our students in a nice way like we can always give a smile to every student, we can give a good feedback to what they’re doing and we can make our students participate in the discussion. The students can also feel the love that we are showing them by teaching them what they should be learning in school.

    Explain the difference between systolic and diastolic pressure. What are the implications of high and low measurements in vital signs?
    2.) Systolic pressure is peak pressure in the arteries, which occurs near the end of the cardiac cycle when the ventricles are contracting and Diastolic pressure is the minimum pressure in the arteries, which occurs near the beginning of the cardiac cycle when the ventricles are filled with blood. High and low measurements in vital signs are not good in people’s health. It can cause people to have sick like in high blood pressure can cause adrenal and thyroid disorders.

    Narrate the sequence of events that lead to a severe concussion when one’s head is struck with enough force.
    3.) When one’s head is struck with enough force it can damage the brain of a person. In boxing, the force of the punch is from the hips. Boxers will just moved in different direction to avoid the punch of his opponent and by that he can charge full energy so that if it is his turn to give his punch it has a full force. If he targets the head it will surely affects the brain of his opponent. It can make the brain moves and may damage the frontal and occipital lobe because it will hit the skull. It can leads to internal bleeding and make the person be in comatose or worst it can kill a person.

  9. Tulio, Ma. Charibel

    1. As a future teacher, which factors to longevity should I give importance. Provide a 2-3 sentence explanation.
    a.Proper eating habits, sleep, love and positive emotions. Because having this 3 longevity factors help my body and mind to work properly.
    2. Explain the difference between systolic and diastolic pressure. What are the implications of high and low measurements in vital signs.
    a. The systolic pressure measures the amount of that blood exerts on arteries and vessels while the heart is beating, while the diastolic pressure exerted on the walls of various arteries around the body in between heart beats when the heart is relaxed. Systolic pressure normal is below 120 while diastolic pressure is below 80.
    b. The high and low measurements of vital signs significate the imbalance of our body. Therefore body temperature may be abnormal due to fever (high temperature) or hypothermia (low temperature). A fever is indicated when body temperature rises about one degree or more over the normal temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit.
    3. Narrate the sequence of events that lead to a severe concussion when one's head is struck with enough force.
    a. I would narrate the possible event that can lead to severe concussion through football's way.
    b. Hard knocks that blows to the head can be dangerous.
    c. A concussion is caused by a sudden blow to the head, leading to a temporary disruption in brain activity.
    d. Symptoms in the minutes and hours following a concussion can range from a temporary loss of consciousness and general disorientation to dizziness, nausea, and vomiting.
    e. With rest, these symptoms generally subside within several days. But for some, persistent headaches, sleep disturbances, memory problems, and difficulties concentrating will continue for weeks or longer.

  10. Lopez, Melvin I.

    1. As a future teacher i give importance of REST as a factor of longevity because all of know that as a teacher you give your all time in your profession to make or mold your student as a good citizen on his/her country . i emphasize the REST factor because all of us need rest not rest in peace .. heheheh . to make u ready and beauty everyday on your life .

    2. Diastolic pressure is the minimum pressure in the arteries, which occurs near the beginning of the cardiac cycle when the ventricles are filled with blood. while systolic pressure is peak pressure in the arteries, which occurs near the end of the cardiac cycle when the ventricles are contracting.

    Implication of high and low vital sign:

    Vital signs include the measurement of: temperature, respiratory rate, pulse, blood pressure and, where appropriate, blood oxygen saturation. These numbers provide critical information (hence the name "vital") about a patient's state of health. In particular, they:
    Can identify the existence of an acute medical problem.
    Are a means of rapidly quantifying the magnitude of an illness and how well the body is coping with the resultant physiologic stress. The more deranged the vitals, the sicker the patient.
    Are a marker of chronic disease states (e.g. hypertension is defined as chronically elevated blood pressure).
    Most patients will have had their vital signs measured by an RN or health care assistant before you have a chance to see them. However, these values are of such great importance that you should get in the habit of repeating them yourself, particularly if you are going to use these values as the basis for management decisions. This not only allows you to practice obtaining vital signs but provides an opportunity to verify their accuracy.

    3. A 16-year-old high school student who went into coma following a boxing match in an event sponsored by the Education Department in Iba, Zambales has been declared brain dead.

    According to Mav Gonzales' report on GMA News TV's News To Go on Thursday, fourth-year high school student Jonas Joshua Garcia from San Miguel, Bulacan was competing at the Central Luzon Regional Athletic Associal meet las Monday when his nose bled during the first round of a boxing match.

    After an initial check-up, the on-duty doctor cleared him to continue competing, the report said.

    However, during the second round of the match, the student complained of dizziness and was immediately rushed to the provincial hospital, the report added.

    After undergoing a computed tomography (CT) scan, the attending physician determined that Garcia suffered blood clotting at the right side of his head from the strong blows he received during the bout, the TV report said.

    The report added that Garcia, who went into coma, was hooked up on a ventilator to aid his breathing, but was eventually declared brain dead.

    However, his attending physician said despite being brain dead, "lumalaban pa rin siya."

    "Sabi ng neuro-surgeons, they will take the risk of operating this patient. Kahit buksan, malaki ang risk ng mortality sa loob ng operating room," Dr. Joselito Glorioso, head of the President Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Hospital's Emergency Room, said in the same report.

    "Clinically, brain dead siya, kaya lang the complications are starting to set in. Ngayon, may pneumonia na siya, although BP (blood pressure) is okay, the respiration is okay, mayroon pa siyang heart rate sa ngayon. Lumalaban pa rin siya," he said.

    The report said as most patients only last for 48 hours, Garcia has lasted for almost 72 hours.

  11. 1.As a future teacher I would give importance proper diet and eating habits and also our connectedness to one another.We need the right food and drink to be healthy.I will impart to my students that better health and improved longevity come from eating the right foods and prepared in the right ways. But there are other things that are just as important like friendship and a sense of connection with other human beings. for instance belonging to social networks either face-to-face or online makes us feel cared for and valued, yielding powerful effects on our health.I will stress these two factors because these will be my students bread and butter on how to live a healthy lifestyle someday.Example
    2.aSystolic is the amount of pressure that blood exerts on arteries and vessels while the heart is beating while diastolic is the pressure that is exerted on the walls of the various arteries around the body in between heart beats when the heart is relaxed.
    2b High and low measurements of our vital signs implies that the body is experiencing something.These something may lead to death because the increase or decrease below the normal range of our vital signs would mean a damage to our physical organ.
    3.Severe concussion happen when a person experience cellular level affecting the brain’s circulation. I will use boxing a my perfect example. The energy from the ground help the boxer's foot to gain strength.From his foot,it will pass his hip ,his arms then the boxers knuckles.When the boxer release his perfect punch and that punch will be receive by his opponent trough his head the brain bounce backward that make the muscles to compress that will result of lack of oxygen in the brain that may cause trauma that will result to a severe concussion in a boxer that may lead to death.

  12. ALEJO, Philip Jhon V.

    1) I would like to prefer as a futute educator is to have a Proper diet and proper exercise.because if we said profer diet and exercise it can contribute a lot to have a very good healthy lifestyle to a individual , and we are safe in some disease. and I will prefer it to become a role model to my future students.

    2) SYSTOLIC - It measures the amount of pressure that blood exerts on arteries and vessels while the heart is beating. "Systolic" comes from the Greek systole meaning "a drawing together or a contraction." DIASTOLIC- It is the pressure that is exerted on the walls of the various arteries around the body in between heart beats when the heart is relaxed."Diastolic" comes from the Greek diastole meaning "a drawing apart."

    3) I would like to narrate the PUNCH OF A BOXER. because the power of the punch of a boxer is the most dangerous among the rest.
    A) A boxer can brought severe conccusion to the opponent head , with a strong punch.
    A strong punch of a boxer is not exactly come from his FIST.
    C) The power of the punch is come from the GROUND. Ground through his hips to his arms and to his fist.
    D) and when the opponent punch exactly to the head it can cause to eh brain to bounce backward and bring trauma to it.
    E) And it can cause of lack of oxygen to the brain.
    F) And the opponent will surely knockout.

  13. ALEJO, Philip Jhon V.

    1) I would like to prefer as a future educator is to have a Proper diet and proper exercise.because if we said proper diet and exercise it can contribute a lot to have a very good healthy lifestyle to a individual , and we are safe in some disease. and I will prefer it to become a role model to my future students.

    2) SYSTOLIC - It measures the amount of pressure that blood exerts on arteries and vessels while the heart is beating. "Systolic" comes from the Greek systole meaning "a drawing together or a contraction." DIASTOLIC- It is the pressure that is exerted on the walls of the various arteries around the body in between heart beats when the heart is relaxed."Diastolic" comes from the Greek diastole meaning "a drawing apart."

    3) I would like to narrate the PUNCH OF A BOXER. because the power of the punch of a boxer is the most dangerous among the rest.
    A) A boxer can brought severe concussion to the opponent head , with a strong punch.
    A strong punch of a boxer is not exactly come from his FIST.
    C) The power of the punch is come from the GROUND. Ground through his hips to his arms and to his fist.
    D) and when the opponent punch exactly to the head it can cause to eh brain to bounce backward and bring trauma to it.
    E) And it can cause of lack of oxygen to the brain.
    F) And the opponent will surely knockout.

  14. Garcia, Jean Therese A.
    1. As a future teacher I will give importance to good sleeping habit and proper diet bacause it will definitely help me, in particular, in maintaining my condition and my enthusiasm in teaching the students. This is the most important factor in longevity.
    2. systolic pressure - It measures the amount of pressure that blood exerts on arteries and vessels while the heart is beating.
    diastolic pressure - It is the pressure that is exerted on the walls of the various arteries around the body in between heart beats when the heart is relaxed.
    3. When I was reading the question this situation got up my mind. It is when a fraternity had to do an initiation. You will be hit by a bat until you lose your consciousness. It is because they unintetionally hit your head.
